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Epic Office Adventures: Discover the fun side of the Office

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To shape the wellness and health of its employees, the National Planning Commission, through its Employees’ Wellness, Occupational Health and Safety committee 2024, has conducted two crucial activities, in the month of August 2024, for the staff members.

  1. Cleaning day campaign

The cleaning campaign was conducted on 03 August 2024. The primary goal of the event was to promote a healthy and safe environment by ensuring that surfaces are free from harmful germs and bacteria, as well as preventing the spread of illnesses. At NPC we highly believe that clean environment reduces the risk of accidents and injuries caused by tripping or slipping on dirty surfaces.

During this activity, the staff members were divided into four groups: Elephant, Lion, Rhino and Buffalo. Each group was assigned a specific area to clean outside the building and to mop the interior floors. After the activities, the participants were provided with braai sponsored by the Director General of the Commission. The event was successful and well attended.

  • Wellness day

The Wellness Day was conducted on 9th of August 2024 at Emma Hoogenhout Primary School in Hochland Park. The main purpose of this activity was to enhance the dynamic relationship between management and their team of staff, while also fostering social interaction among employees. This, in turn, boost employee engagement both within and outside the workplace, ultimately contributing to the overall productivity and success of the organisation.

The day was filled with a variety of exciting activities, including traditional games like Amagusa (a game that involves two people throwing a ball to one person in the middle, while dodging the ball) and mind games, a dancing competition, as well as volleyball, netball and football. Refreshments were available throughout the day, featuring the finest potjie prepared and cooked by one of the staff members, Chef Enrico Ketjivandje.

The winners of the Wellness  day are:

1st Prize:          Rhino (Team white)

2nd Prize:         Buffalo (Black Team)

3rd Prize:          Lion (Red Team)

It’s worth noting that all staff members who attended the Wellness Day received medals and were excited about the initiative.

Overall, both activities were successful. The Wellness Committee would like to extend its gratitude to the Director General, Honourable Obeth M. Kandjoze for being the main sponsor; the Acting Executive Director, Mr. Sylvester K. Mbangu, all Heads of Department, Directorates, and divisions; the dedicated and active Wellness Committee members and; the entire NPC staff members for their support.

Compiled by Maria Ipinge, NPC Wellness Focal Person