- Environmental management and Climate Change
NAM-AAP, titled “Building the foundation for a national approach to Climate Change Adaptation in Namibia” is a national driven program hosted by the Ministry of Environment and Tourism Department of Environmental Affairs. The NAM-AAP aims for the attainment of the following objective: Namibia has the institutional, individual and systematic capacity to address climate change risks and opportunities through a national approach to adaptation. The final evaluation of the NAM-AAP was initiated by the Project Management Unit and was undertaken in accordance with the UNDP Project Monitoring and Evaluation Policy. The specific objective of this final evaluation was to enable MET, UNDP and the Government of Japan as well as other stakeholders to assess the achievements or limitations regarding the project’s output, its impact and sustainability, lessons learned and if applicable, to capture and document lessons for future orientation on how a project of this nature could be improved or replicated. The evaluation applied a mixed methodology of quantitative and qualitative research approaches. Data analysis and interpretation focused on deducing evidences and meanings from collected data. Field visits from selected regions were also conducted to observe small grants recipients and interview local level extension officers.
The evaluation findings revealed, amongst the notable results, that NAM-AAP has assisted the Namibian Government in laying a foundation towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG‟s). In particular, it supported the achievement of Goal 7 which aimed to integrate the principles of sustainable development (including climate change risk) into national frameworks. The NAM-AAP has made considerable strides in building institutional, individual and systematic capacities to undertake systematic Climate Change Adaptation mechanisms and planning. Climate change is a new phenomenon and was never before integrated into national formal planning processes and sectoral policies. The NAM-AAP contributed in fast-tracking the development of sectoral policies such as the National Policy on Climate Change for Namibia, formulation of a strategy and action plan, review of NCCC operation and technical support to national endeavours such as bidding for Green Climate Change, amongst others. Potential models and systems interrogated by the project also strengthened the capability for formulation plans such as NDP4.