- Rural Economic Development
The Ministry of Urban and Rural Development (MURD) in consultation with stakeholders and upon approval by Cabinet, launched the National Rural Development Policy and Strategy in 2012. Since then, the Ministry together with various stakeholders has been implementing programmes and projects in rural areas in line with the National Rural Development Policy and Strategy. The implementation of the Policy and Strategy have been monitored through bi-annual Rural Development Focal Persons Forum meetings and Annual Rural Development Planning and Progress Review Workshops. The review of the Policy and Strategy was deemed necessary and the Ministry therefore, initiated the process during 2019. MURD established a Review Committee comprising of members from various Offices, Ministries and Agencies (O/M/As), which held its first meeting at Ongwediva Rural Development Centre in June 2019 to set the ground for the review process. The meeting assessed the relevance of challenges, objectives and strategies outlined in the Policy and identified emerging issues. Furthermore, MURD was directed by NPC to carry out an evaluation of the implementation of the Policy and Strategy. This was done by assessing the implementation of Rural Development interventions outlined in the Strategy.