- Environmental management and Climate Change
The CPP NAM CCA Project has been designed to assist the Republic of Namibia to devise and implement adaptation strategies to cope with predicted effects of climate change in 12 Constituencies of Omusati Region. The objective of the project is to improve livelihoods and food security among the most vulnerable communities in the region. The project was implemented as part of the Namibia’s Country Pilot Partnership for Integrated Sustainable Land Management (CPP ISLM) which sought to enhance the adaptive capacities of subsistence farmers and natural resource managers to climate change in agricultural and pastoral systems. The Evaluation results were obtained from interviews with project beneficiaries, implementers and other stakeholders. Additional information was obtained from project documentation including the Project Document, minutes of meetings, project reports and other materials.
From the Study, it was evident that the project average score is rated satisfactory in terms of its overall performance against the project objectives of proving the reduction of vulnerability of farmers through livestock improvement programme, dry-lands crop farming, horticulture production, as well as livelihood improvement. Through the project, 212 Boer goat rams were introduced to improve livestock breeding and production, drought tolerant crop breeds such as Okashana #2, Kangara, Sorghum and conservation agriculture were demonstrated on 100 sites. Thirty (38) female beneficiaries were supported with 146 domesticated guinea fowls as part of the diversification of livelihood as farmers could generate additional income by selling eggs and guinea fowls.