The national development strategy for Namibia consists of a long and medium term development perspectives. The Second National Development Plan (NDP2) was prepared soon after completing the execution of NDP1, whose five-year implementation ended during the financial year 1999/2000. The launching of NDP2, during 2002 has provided the much needed continuity and consistence in the application of the country’s development strategy.
The Second National Development Plan was prepared through wider participation of stakeholders. Early in the planning process, consultative meetings and workshops, at both national and line ministries, were held to discuss issues and threats to sustainable development in Namibia, and on which basis a vision for NDP2 was developed and undertaken to guide the drafting of chapters. As soon as the draft chapters became available, participatory mechanisms were set up for the screening and reviewing of, and consolidation of the comments and suggestions made into the draft chapters. Participants were drawn from the government and non-government sectors, development partners and private sector representatives. We have therefore, succeeded in making the NDP2 planning process more consultative and participatory.
Growing more conscious of the fact that Namibia’s continued economic growth depends very much on its rich natural resources and unique environment; we have in NDP2 taken into account environmental and sustainability aspects in sectoral, cross-sectoral and regional development planning.
Harmonization of the draft chapters and the establishment of the plan’s internal consistency were carried out by the National Planning Commission in consultation and collaboration with line ministries and regional authorities.
The Second National Development Plan is made up of three volumes as follows:
Volume One – Macroeconomic, Sectoral and Cross-Sectoral Policies;
Volume Two – Regional Development Perspectives, and
Volume Three– Public Sector Investment Programme
Volume One is divided into four parts:
Part One: Overall Review of the Economy;
Part Two: National Development Objectives and Strategies;
Part Three: Sectoral Development; and
Part Four: Cross-Sectoral Policies.
Volume Two on the other hand consists of regional issues and incorporates thirteen chapters representing individual regional development programmes.
Volume Three is made up of all the programmes and projects presented in respective chapters of NDP2. It includes those projects categorised as “To be funded”. These are projects whose funding is still to be found.
The Second National Development Plan differs from NDP1 in a number of ways. First, cross-sectoral policies have been prominently outlined and represented. Secondly a volume dealing specifically with regional development issues has been prepared for the first time. Lastly, a number of new and important chapters, such as poverty reduction, income distribution, HIV/AIDS, science and technology, private sector development, etc, have been included in NDP2 in order to widen and strengthen the focus and thrust of NDP2.