Home » Special Programmes
- Housing Sector Programme
The housing sector in Namibia could be segmented into three (3) broad categories, namely: Ultra Low and Low income earners (blue-collar class); Middle income earners (white-collar class); Upper class (Rich and the superrich). The latter is not experiencing problems in acquiring houses because they are capable of providing collateral or have the means to purchase houses…
- The Namibian-German Special Initiative Programme (NGSIP)
The Namibian-German Special Initiative Programme (NGSIP) is a multi-sectoral rural development initiative implemented by the National Planning Commission (NPC) of the Government of the Republic of Namibia. The NGSIP: - aims to develop community-driven projects in areas that suffered during the German colonial period
- is implemented in selected rural communities in the twenty-four (24) constituencies of the Erongo, Hardap, Karas, Khomas, Kunene, Omaheke and Otjozondjupa regions
- supports small-scale public infrastructure, community infrastructure, agriculture, and water supply projects that aim to improve living conditions, and may pursue economic, social and cultural goals