
Database for all Government Socio-Economic Policies

What you can find on this Database
• A database clearly identifying Government socio-economic policies and their regulatory
frameworks that are in existence.
• A database that provides an opportunity to improve the harmonization and coordination
of policies and their regulatory frameworks.

Background to the National Policy Database

Article 129 of the Namibian Constitution established National Planning Commission (NPC) as a Government institution to spearhead and direct the course of national development. In addition to the Constitutional provision, the NPC Act (Act No. 2 of 2013) has mandated National Planning Commission to:
(i) Evaluate the effectiveness of Government socio-economic policies.
(ii) Coordinate the development of Government socio-economic policies to ensure
There are several challenges that had been experienced faced by O/M/As and other stakeholders as they plan, develop and implements sectoral policies and programmes in silos/isolation in relation to other sector players’ policies that are in existence. This prevailing current daunting situation can be partial attributed to the absence of a database for all Government socio-economic policies and their regulatory frameworks that can serve as reference point for O/M/As to know the type of government policies that are in place in various sectors.
This has necessitated NPC to establish the database in order for O/M/As and other stakeholders to be aware of all government socio-economic policies and their regulatory frameworks that are in place. This will improve policies’ literacy, planning and implementation thereof.

Objectives of the National Policy Database

The overall objective of this database is to have an inventory of all Government socio-economic policies stored at central place. The database will bring in efficiency in terms of easier retrieval and policies’ literacy among stakeholders. Knowing all Government socio economic policies that are in place will strengthen and improve coordination and cooperation among stakeholders when developing and implementing various sectoral policies. Furthermore, the database will provide an opportunity to stakeholders in terms of harmonisation and identification of complementarities, overlapping roles and contradictions that exist among policies, thus improving policies’ implementation capacity to achieve desired developmental results.