Namibia has adopted the global Agenda 2030, which is specified through 17 overarching goals
and 247 indicators, and is implementing the Agenda through a domestication within the
existing framework of the 5th National Development Plan (NDP5) as cascaded into respective
sectoral plans. Namibia has remained true to its commitment by voluntarily undertaking to
report its progress in the implementation of the SDGs in the United Nations Voluntary National
Review (VNR) 2018 and 2021.
The availability of timely and quality data impacts on the effectiveness with which the Agenda
2030 is implemented. Addressing systemic data gaps for monitoring the SDGs will only be
possible if resources are mobilized in a targeted and sustainable manner to support the
implementation of national strategies for statistical development. To pursue this vision,
Namibia is supporting statistical systems in the country and maintaining a comprehensive
national indicator framework driven by specific and measurable national policy priorities.
The first ‘’Sustainable Development Goals and Fifth National Development Plan Indicator
Framework’’, referred to as SDGs-NDP5-IF 2019, was published by the Namibia Statistics
Agency (NSA) in 2019 and supplemented the SDG Baseline Report also produced in 2019. The
SDGs-NDP5-IF 2019 provided a detailed overview of the alignment of the indicators of the NDP5
to the localised SDGs Indicators.
This document presents the first update of the SDGs-NDP5-IF 2019 and thereby complements
Namibia’s Second Voluntary National Review Report on the Implementation of the SDGs
Towards Agenda 2030. The document is structured into two parts: the first part revisits the
alignment of the NDP5 indicator framework and the localised SDGs Indicator Framework to
consider updates that the UN has made to the definitions of selected SDGs indicators. The
second part lists the most recent available data for SDGs monitoring in Namibia, and further
provides a detailed overview of updates that have been made to the Namibian SDGs Indicator